Cheap coffee vs expensive coffee

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When making the decision of whether to buy cheap coffee vs expensive coffee, it can be difficult to determine what differences are truly worth the extra cost. Here, we’ll explore why you might choose one type over another and how different types of beans and brewing methods impact flavor.

Cheap coffee vs expensive coffee

Bean Selection

The bean selection is the most important factor in determining the quality of your cup of coffee. Cheap coffee typically comes from mass-produced Robusta beans grown in low-income countries with limited resources for growing high-quality crops. These beans typically lack complexity and nuance in their flavors when brewed, leading to an unpalatable cup of flat-tasting coffee. In contrast, expensive coffees are often made with premium Arabica beans that are sourced from small farms which focus on quality rather than quantity. These specialty beans fetch a higher price due to their superior flavor notes and complexity. As such, they make for a much more enjoyable cup of joe!

Brewing Methods

Another factor to consider when choosing between cheap and expensive coffee is the brewing method. The most basic method is drip brewing, which involves pouring hot water over grounds that are either pre-ground or ground fresh before each use. Drip brewing produces a balanced cup for both inexpensive and expensive grounds alike; however, espresso machines can push out better results from pricier beans by extracting more flavor compounds from them. Brewed in this way, expensive coffees tend to have a deeper body and richer flavors than those made with cheap grounds.

Roasting Process

The roasting process is another important factor to consider when choosing between cheap and expensive coffee. This process is responsible for giving coffee beans their flavor, aroma, and body characteristics. Cheaper coffees are typically heavily roasted in order to make them easier to grind and have a longer shelf life; as such, these coffees tend to be more bitter in flavor and less aromatic than more expensive ones. Expensive coffees are often light-roasted or medium-roasted in order to preserve the delicate flavors of the beans; this leads to more balanced cups with more nuanced flavor profiles.

Price Comparison

Finally, let’s talk about pricing comparison between cheap vs expensive coffees. In general, you’ll pay less for inexpensive coffee grounds than you will for higher-quality ones; however, bear in mind that these savings increase as you purchase more (in bulk). For example, 1 pound of specialty arabica beans may cost $20-$25 USD while the same amount of robusta beans might only run $5-$10 USD dollars – meaning that if you’re able to buy larger quantities at once then you’ll end up saving quite a bit of money!


Cheap vs expensive coffee ultimately comes down to personal preference as some people prefer stronger-tasting brews while others enjoy something milder or sweeter in taste. Keep in mind that different brewing methods and bean selections can also contribute significantly to flavor – so make sure to experiment with your options before settling on something too specific! Ultimately though no matter what type or blend you decide on; it all comes down to getting a good balance between cost efficiency and flavor satisfaction!

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About the author

The more refined, sensible (and slight less hirsute) half of BushyBeard Coffee. Ben loves fine roasts, strong dark coffee and quiet time spent with a good book.

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